Lake St. Clair – 2/1/2020

We launched out of Blossom Heath to see what all of the fuss was about during the week. We seen lots of excellent reports. There was lots of ice at the launch and the entire way out. We had boats in front of us and behind us heading through the marinas so if felt more comfortable than if we were solo. Once we got out to Lake St. Clair the coast looked clear – 4 of the boats that launched with us took off south so we followed. After a couple miles we pulled up short of a small pack of boats and set lines. The water was 33.5 degrees and real clear – not what I like for walleye. We trolled south and worked 19 to 16 FOW without a mark or seeing anything caught in other boats. We pulled and ran closer to the Detroit River mouth and trolled north, working between the shipping channel and 14 FOW. No marks, no fish, seen no fish caught. At the boat launch we talked to one guy that caught 2 walleye right away while setting lines – the rest of the boats had zero.